Blog – New Internationalist Australia

Why we’re so enthusiastic about our Fair Trade partnerships

I want to share with you a few of the reasons we’re so enthusiastic about our Fair Trade partnerships, and why we’re eager to have your ongoing support.

  1. Aid through trade is best. Handouts can become “sit-down money” that stifles initiative and self-help. But a trading relationship encourages self-reliance. Fair Trade takes it a step further by guaranteeing a fair price for producers.
  2. Fair Trade values artisan skills. Your purchase of Fair Trade items helps ensure craft skills are handed on to the next generation.
  3. Loosen the grip of the multinationals. Every dollar spent with a Fair Trade Organization (FTO) instead of a mega-corporation helps bring power back into the hands of people who need it most.
  4. Eco-friendly production. Sustainable production is a high priority for FTOs. Care for the local environment is just one of ten standards that FTOs have to comply with.
  5. Child-friendly production. FTOs are also required to meet international standards on child labour and forced labour.

So please do take a good look at the Fair Trade section of our online shop.

New Internationalist Australia is a registered Fair Trade Organization, and we’re also a non-profit, so any proceeds from sales are ploughed back into action for global justice. Your support does good work at every level. Thank you.

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