Blog – New Internationalist Australia

How to subscribe to the magazine – FAQ

Here are some common questions about starting or renewing a New Internationalist magazine subscription.

Q: I don’t have a PayPal account and don’t use credit cards
A: That’s OK.  You can pay by EFT. 

Q: If I pay by EFT, how will NI know who the payment is from? 
A: Make sure to include your NI username with your payment

Q: Can I find my username another way?
A: Yes. Two easy options:

Q: I’d like to pay online with a credit card or my PayPal account.  How do I do that?
A: That’s exactly what we prefer. It’s fully self-service.  Here’s what to do:

Q: For many years NI used to automatically debit my credit card every year or every three months.  Is that still happening?
A: No.  If you want to have your subscription automatically renewed here’s what to do:

Q: How do I cancel an Automatic debit?
A: You can cancel an Automatic debit by signing into your PayPal account. For detailed instructions follow the link here:

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