Blog – New Internationalist Australia

Four decades in the life of the world

It was 1978. I was a young whipper-snapper working with Community Aid Abroad (now renamed OXFAM Australia). I’d heard a stirring speech by Peter Adamson on ABC radio, and now I was excited at the prospect of meeting the man in person. I was not disappointed. His towering intellect and his ability to weave a spell-binding story combined to make his visit one of the most memorable of my life.

This remarkable man was the founding editor of the New Internationalist magazine, which had been launched five years earlier, and he was in Australia to inspire people with a vision of progress in human development, and to promote the magazine.

New Internationalist launches new app on 40th anniversary

It was the beginning of a new era in independent ethical publishing. Now with the March edition of the New Internationalist magazine, we celebrate 40 years of the magazine that was launched with so much optimism for a better world.

The great news is that Peter Adamson is back in the 40th anniversary magazine. He is uniquely placed to review the progress that has been made in these past four decades. His lead story in the magazine is a must-read, as he analyses and assesses the advances in global health and welfare. Importantly he also looks forward and makes a prediction of what will be the great challenge of the next 40 years. I highly recommend the magazine.

The 40th anniversary marks another huge step for the New Internationalist, as we release our new second generation digital subscription service

Like most print publishers, we launched a digital offering a few years ago, but we needed something that better reflected our independent fresh view of the world, so we built our next generation app in-house.  The launch coinciding with the 40th anniversary of the magazine is perfect.

We’re particularly excited about this new digital subscription offering for the New Internationalist.  It features:

When you stop to think about it, the New Internationalist is a remarkable media organization.  Who would have predicted that a magazine on human rights and global equity would survive four decades of subscriber-supported independent journalism?  Who would have thought a magazine – managed as a co-operative, and with a flat salary structure – would be a beacon of global justice for 40 years, shining a light onto the hidden agendas of politicians and corporations alike?

And who would have thought that a small not-for-profit co-operative could produce – in-house – a leading-edge next-generation digital magazine subscription service?  It makes me so glad I met Peter Adamson all those years ago.

Note for editors and writers: More detail is available in the Media Release

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